Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sketchy Bunk

I sketched this a couple of days ago when Bunk was doing his favourite hobby - attack the shit out of the computer chair. I liked the whole idea that he seems really scary if you only look at little pieces of him at a time but as a whole, he's a hot mess.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I thought I would have my next strip finished by today, but it has kind of taken on a life of it's own.  I have it all sketched out and ready for inking there are 9 panels. I can't help it, it's epic. Some might even say amazing or even speculator. 

I will also be doing a making of post of the strip so you can see the process behind my art from the sketchbook to the finished panels. You know, if you care about that sort of stuff.

So for today, I thought I would share something out of my sketchbook:
This is my view of Bunk any time I am in the kitchen. He will meow constantly and get underfoot the entire time it doesn't matter what you are doing or how long it takes you. He thinks at some point, he will get food.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Bunk

Continuing with the superhero theme: Spider-Bunk! 

I'm working on another strip as well, but this was an idea I couldn't get out of my head on Sunday so I had to put it to paper. 

God, he's fat. I was going to do the classic Spider-Man thread which is actually several strands of thread wrapped around by other thread (seriously, I know it doesn't look like much but I did my damn research here) but it looked way funnier with just the thin thread in my opinion.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Batman Bunk

I sketched this one today after seeing KATE OR DIE's awesome Kitty Heroes print and having a crazy discussion with Mark about what super heroes Bunk and Lola would be.

I'm the goddamn Batman!

I'm pretty happy with how the sketch turned out but I still have a bit of tweaking I need to do before I ink it. I was having some real problems with the head for some reason so I originally tried drawing vague shapes and filling them in. You know, like real artists do.

Yeah, no I didn't draw that.

But that totally didn't work so I ended up sketching from the belly up to the shoulders because I knew how I wanted that proportion then the arms. The head was really hard for some reason until I just stopped trying to draw Bunk's head and put a Batman mask on it and decided to just draw a fat Batman head and then added Bunk's chin.

Now that I have this sketch done I will be marinating on it. I like to draw then put it away for a while so I can look at it later with fresh eyes. I find it's easier for me to tweak things that way. Then I can ink and colour. I can't decide if I want to do a classic black Batman t-shirt and some kind of weird purple/black colour for the cape or go with the black cape and some bright fun colour for the t-shirt. Hmmmm......

Bunk: Origins

I thought I should probably share some insight pictures of the little fuzzy munchkin named Bunk and the idea behind this blog. 

I have always loved comics. My brothers had an insane collection of comics which would range from the classic heroes like Batman to the ridiculous things they thought were cool like Sonic the Hedgehog. Growing up in a remote island meant that the library wasn't down the road, and we read a lot as kids. 

The East End of Pictou Island, Nova Scotia

Yes, I even read the damn Sonic comics.

The great thing was as my brothers grew up, their collection grew giving me exposure to The Watchman, The Preacher Series, The Sandman Series among countless others... for free. I will never forget the day I first read Spawn. It. Blew. My. Mind. And then I thought, how the hell did a cashier just sell this to an 8 year old kid? 

Today, my collection is mainly of independent comics with a few like Peter Kuper and Jeffrey Brown being the only ones I really go out of my way to seek out. That is, outside of the little comics you can get for $3 or less at your local comic book store. I love those. And cats. I love comics about cats.

My favourite picture out of local artist Mike Holme's new book Mikenesses (

So I decided one day, last Sunday in fact, to combine my love of comics with my love of Bunk and my need to draw more. Because you should always draw what you know. 

Bunk, his sister and brothers were found abandoned in a cardboard box when they were only weeks old. We adopted him from the Chester Basin Animal Hospital in August 2010.

Bunk is my idea of the perfect cat: big, fuzzy, and orange.

A few months later the hospital had called us saying that no one had adopted his sister and wanted to know if we would take her. We had no idea she even existed, otherwise we would have taken her instantly.

How could you throw out something so cute like it's garbage?

Bunk is over 20lbs and even though he may look like Jubba the Hut sometimes and Mark always tells him is fat, he's not fat. He is just really, really stocky and super fuzzy.

I don't have any real plans for this blog other than I am going to be posting whatever the hell I feel like. It might not always make sense or be finished but it will definitely be about cats.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Episode 1: How Bunk Eats

Bunk does this all the time. When he first started, I thought that maybe the food underneath just tasted better. Then I realized he's just a dick.